Our work on "As targets XIAP to overcome drug resistance in tumors" has been accepted by Chemical Science!

Congratulations to Liwa, Lu Jing, and Xia Xin on their remarkable achievement! It brings us great joy to announce that their groundbreaking research has been accepted by Chemical Science, the esteemed flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

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The issue of tumor drug resistance poses a significant challenge in clinical treatment. In this study, the team delves into the utilization of ATO to target XIAP, effectively combating drug resistance in multiple forms of tumor.

We express our deepest gratitude to Professor Sun Hongzhe from the University of Hong Kong and Director Li Xiaofeng from the Department of Gastroenterology for their invaluable and unwavering support throughout the completion of this work.

We also extend our appreciation to the diligent reviewers who provided three rounds of insightful revision comments. Their input has been instrumental in enhancing the quality and impact of this research.